Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Blind Date

Wolf: “Hey, are you Ben?”
Bartender #1: “No, I’m not. Which Ben are you talking about?”
Wolf: “Uh… the younger one? I think he’s 21.”
Bartender #2: “One is 29, the other is 26.”
Wolf: “Oh.”

We left the college town of the Montana Grizzlies and enter Bozeman, the home of the Montana State Bobcats. En route to Bozeman, we stopped in Butte to see LeBron and Co. hoist their 2nd consecutive NBA championship trophy much to the chagrin of the Spurs faithful at Metal’s Sports Bar. As the clock struck 11pm, we left ourselves one option – stay in Bozeman.

As we exited the highway, we grinned at the sight of countless hotels that lined the city streets. Dude, let’s stay… “No vacancy.” What about… “No vacancy.” That one looks… “No vacancy.”

We were meeting Ben, the son of a co-worker, at the wine bar he works at downtown. As we continued to pass hotels with neon lights confirming the impossibility of sleeping in a warm bed, our optimism turned to depression as Ben, a person I had only texted a few times, was our only hope.

The doors of “Plonk” slowly shut behind us. The uncomfortable feeling of meeting someone on a blind date was trumped at the sight of various exotic wines that lined the walls of the dimly lit bar.

After ordering a drink and sitting for five minutes hoping Ben would notice a hoodie and a flannel amongst the collared shirts and slacks, I texted him. “Hey Ben. We just got here. We are the two guys drinking Moose Drools at the end of the bar.” Easily spotted, we shook hands and Peter and my fear of a forced conversation was confirmed when we began to talk about rock climbing and motorcycles. With the thought of finding an unoccupied parking lot and reclining the seats of Black Sally, he asked us where we were staying for the night. We told him the truth and the unexpected generosity, compassion, and friendliness of Ben ensued.

We woke up well re… well we woke up. We stayed in a vacant apartment above Plonk and headed for a cup of coffee.

Bonus Pic: 

The Buttehole of America, The Berkeley Pit

Car sing-along favorite, "Only in Your Heart" - America 


  1. Like father, like son...I slept up above a bank in downtown Bozeman circa 1983. That's a great town..a mix of cowboy chic and university hip.

    Glad you were able to use your "vagabond charm" to get a free night on the road!

    Dad x

  2. Do they know about the flying Ducks in Montana? Not the kind they shoot.......

    Other Dad


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